Posts tagged ‘Introduction’

Welcome to the Fortunate Foodie

From time to time my wife and I will try new recipes.  Food is something we enjoy so we share our experiments’ observation with our friends and loved ones.  People are often intrigued by what we try out and ask for the recipes, etc.  We felt like this would be a great forum to share our food triumphs and travails with the world.  I hope you get something useful from it.  We’re going to try to make this a well updated blog, so keep checking back to see our latest experiment.

My wife, of late, has become, an efficiency guru for shopping as well.  Not like many shop-a-holic wives but in a frugal way.  This makes me happy!  She’s gotten a lot interest because she’s even making money back on purchase on a regular basis.  Check out her “Game The System” blog for more details on how you too can save at least 80% off of groceries and other items.

-The Fortunate Foodie

July 3, 2008 at 2:54 pm 1 comment

Welcome to The Fortunate Foodie

From time to time my wife and I will try new recipes. Food is something we enjoy so we share our experiments’ observations with our friends and loved ones. I hope you get something useful from it. We’re going to try to make this a well updated blog, so keep checking back to see our latest experiment. -The Fortunate Foodie
